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Elon Musk’s Newest Creation Tesla Bot

We should know that it is only a matter of time before the revolutionary electric car innovator Elon Musk turns the artificial intelligence humanoid robot in science fiction into reality. Tesla has launched the Tesla Bot, an upcoming humanoid robot designed to perform tasks that are too dangerous, repetitive, or boring for humans. The Tesla Bot is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 125 pounds. It can deadlift 150 pounds, reach a maximum locomotive speed of 5 mph, carry 45 pounds, and lift 10 pounds. Stretch out your arms. As a kind of failsafe, these numbers are kept fairly modest, because Musk undoubtedly realizes that these types of robots are always rebellious in movies. However, we may not have to worry about this, because Musk claims that robots “are designed to be friendly” (they always start like this). Going back to the specifications, the Tesla Bot has a screen that displays “useful information” instead of a face, as well as eight cameras and the same self-driving technology as Tesla cars. The Tesla Bot is currently in the concept stage, but Tesla hopes to launch a working prototype next year. Click here for more details.


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