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Unitree AI Robot Dog

Regardless of whether you’re discussing the Internet, cell phones, AI voice associates, PCs, or robot vacuums, there’s no denying that advanced innovation has improved the world–generally. As much as we welcome each one of those progressions, the way that there are–or could be–robot hounds going around still monstrosities us out in a Terminator Skynet sort of way. Boston Dynamics Spot Robot Dog was unnerving enough in its own right, however, the new Unitree AI Robot Dog is littler and vastly progressively energetic. It may just have the option to convey an 11lb payload, however, AI has a savvy camera with profundity, continuous HD video transmission, power sensors on every one of the feet and 1-2.5hr working time. In addition, it can hit a maximum speed of up to 7.38 mph which is not exactly a genuine pooch yet stunning when it’s an entryway opening robot doing it. The Unitree AI Robot Dog even has a human follow mode so you can treat it like a genuine pet.

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