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Suzuki Omni Battle Van

At the point when human inventiveness and car econoboxes meet up, great things can occur. For example, India-based Holy Shift Garage took a somewhat regular and broken down Suzuki Omni van and made a little, substantial beast. The first vehicle was basically futile, so they stripped it down to an uncovered shell and developed it from that point. It got another motor, transmission, suspension, and back pivot. In spite of the fact that it’s no rocket, it has more force than stock and furthermore increases valuable ground freedom to handle less flavorful surfaces. It likewise got enormous Maxxis Trepador bumpy tires, a full body move confine, a rooftop rack with LED light bar, a back bike rack, a front-end bullbar, metal plates to supplant the side windows, six golden driving lights, and even Jerry jars to keep fuel (or brew) good to go. While we could never endeavor to crash test it, the Battle Van looks prepared for experience.




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